There are several ways to pass JavaScript variables to PHP, but the most common methods include using AJAX or form submission.

  • Using AJAX: You can use the XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript to make a request to a PHP script and pass variables in the request. In the PHP script, you can then access the passed variables using the $_REQUEST or $_GET superglobals.
  • Form submission: You can create a form in HTML and use JavaScript to set the values of the form fields to the desired JavaScript variables. Then, when the form is submitted, the form data, including the variables, will be sent to the PHP script, which can access the data using the $_POST or $_REQUEST superglobals.

In both cases, you should ensure to properly validate and sanitize the data in the PHP script before using it.

Pass JavaScript variable to PHP using AJAX

Here is an example of passing a JavaScript variable to PHP using AJAX:


// Assume we have a variable called "myVar" with a value of "Hello World"
var myVar = "Hello World";
// Create an XMLHttpRequest object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Open the request and set the method to POST"POST", "example.php", true);
// Set the request header
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Send the request and pass the variable as data
xhr.send("myVar=" + myVar);


    // Access the passed variable using the $_POST superglobal
    $myVar = $_POST['myVar'];
    // Do something with the variable, for example, echo it
    echo $myVar;

Passing a JavaScript Variable to PHP Using Form Submission

A similar example of passing a JavaScript variable to PHP using form submission:


// Assume we have a variable called "myVar" with a value of "Hello World"
var myVar = "Hello World";
// Assign the variable value to a form field
document.getElementById("myField").value = myVar;


<form action="example.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" id="myField" name="myVar">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">


    // Access the passed variable using the $_POST superglobal
    $myVar = $_POST['myVar'];
    // Do something with the variable, for example, echo it
    echo $myVar;

Note that in the above examples the PHP script is called ‘example.php’, you should replace it with the actual path of your PHP script.

Also, it’s important to validate and sanitize the data before using it in your PHP script.

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