PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. One common task in PHP is displaying text or variables using the echo statement. However, sometimes you may want to add a new line within the echo statement to format your output or create a line break. In this blog, we will explore how to add a new line within echo in PHP, and provide examples for better understanding.

The PHP echo statement is used to display output to the browser or the command line. By default, echo does not add a new line after the text, which means that multiple echo statements in a row will be displayed on the same line. However, there are several ways to add a new line within echo in PHP.

#1 Using Escape Sequences

You can use escape sequences to represent special characters in PHP strings. The escape sequence for a new line is \n. You can simply include \n within the echo statement to add a new line.

Here’s an example:

echo "Hello, World!\nThis is a new line.";


Hello, World!
This is a new line.

In this example, \n is used to add a new line after the “Hello, World!” string, resulting in a line break before the “This is a new line.” string.

#2 Using Double Quotes

Another way to add a new line within echo is to enclose the string in double quotes (" ") instead of single quotes (' '). When a string is enclosed in double quotes, PHP will interpret escape sequences within the string, including \n for a new line.

Here’s an example:

echo "Hello, World!
This is a new line.";


Hello, World!
This is a new line.

In this example, the string “Hello, World!” is followed by a new line within the echo statement, resulting in a line break before the “This is a new line.” string.

#3 Using PHP_EOL Constant

PHP provides a predefined constant called PHP_EOL which represents the correct end of line character for the current platform (e.g., \n for Unix-based systems, \r\n for Windows-based systems). You can concatenate PHP_EOL within the echo statement to add a new line.

Here’s an example:

echo "Hello, World!" . PHP_EOL . "This is a new line.";


Hello, World!
This is a new line.

In this example, PHP_EOL is used to concatenate a new line after the “Hello, World!” string, resulting in a line break before the “This is a new line.” string.

#4 Using HTML <br> Tag:

If you are outputting text within HTML, you can use the <br> tag to create a line break. You can include the <br> tag within the echo statement, enclosed in double quotes, to add a new line.

Here’s an example:

echo "Hello, World!<br>This is a new line.";


Hello, World!
This is a new line.

In this example, the <br> tag is used to create a line break after the “Hello, World!” string, resulting in a line break before the “This is a new line.” string when displayed in a web browser.

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In conclusion, adding a new line within echo in PHP is a common requirement for formatting output or creating line breaks. You can achieve this using escape sequences such as \n, enclosing the string in double quotes, using the PHP_EOL constant, or using HTML tags like <br>

Experiment with these methods to see which one best fits your specific use case.

Here’s a summary of the examples we discussed:

// Example 1: Using escape sequence \n
echo "Hello, World!\nThis is a new line.";

// Example 2: Using double quotes
echo "Hello, World!\nThis is a new line.";

// Example 3: Using PHP_EOL constant
echo "Hello, World!" . PHP_EOL . "This is a new line.";

// Example 4: Using HTML <br> tag
echo "Hello, World!<br>This is a new line.";

Remember, the method you choose may depend on the context in which you are using the echo statement. For instance, if you are displaying text within an HTML document, using the <br> tag may be more appropriate. On the other hand, if you are displaying text in a console or a text file, using escape sequences or PHP_EOL may be a better choice.

In conclusion, adding a new line within echo in PHP is straightforward and can be achieved using different methods. Choose the one that best suits your specific requirements and formatting needs. By leveraging these techniques, you can create neatly formatted output for your PHP applications.

Happy coding!

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