NPM stands for Node Package Manager and it is a package manager for JavaScript committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. Here I have shared some useful npm commands.

Get Version

npm --version
// shorthand
npm -v

Create Package.json

npm init
// Below commands will create package.json file with default values
npm init -y
npm init --yes

Install Packages

Global Package

npm install -g package-name

Production Package (default)

npm install --save package-name

Development Package

npm install --save-dev package-name

Install Specific Version

Global Package

npm install -g package-name@package-version

Production Package(default)

npm install --save package-name@package-version

Development Package

npm install --save-dev package-name@package-version

Remove Packages

Global Package

npm uninstall -g package-name

Production Package(default)

npm uninstall --save package-name

Development Package

npm uninstall --save-dev package-name

Clone another repo

When clone any repo, that time node_modules folder don’t get copy on local machine. So in that case to download all packages -use npm i

Install production and dev dependencies both

npm install
npm i

Install production dependencies only

npm install --production

List Packages


npm list -g
npm list -g --depth 0
npm list -g --depth 1


npm list
npm list --depth 0
npm list --depth 1

NPM Scripts

only “start” script will execute without run command

npm start
npm run <script-name>
   npm run build
   npm run test

Package Versions

What package version with different symbols (*,~, ^) represents in package.json file

“*”Install package with latest version
“16.8.0”Install package with exact version
“~16.8.0”Install package with latest patch update
(Highlighted part gets updated)
“^16.8.0”Install package with latest minor update
(Highlighted part gets updated)

Note: “^16.8.0” is the most preferred version.

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