In order to print a PDF file using JavaScript, you can use the window.print() function. This function opens the browser’s print dialog, allowing the user to print the current page or document. Here’s an example of how to use the window.print() function to print a PDF file:

<a href="#" onclick="window.print();">Print PDF</a>

In this example, when the user clicks the “Print PDF” link, the browser’s print dialog will be opened, allowing the user to print the current page or document.

Another way to print pdf file using javascript is to open the pdf in an iframe and use the javascript function

<iframe id="pdf" src="path/to/your.pdf"></iframe>
<button onclick="printJS({printable:'pdf', type:'pdf', showModal:true})">Print</button>

Here we are using the print.js library, it is a javascript library that can be used to print specific parts of a web page.

Please note that in both cases, the user will have to manually select the printer and choose the print settings. There is no way to programmatically select a printer or set print settings using JavaScript.

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