In recent years, dark mode has become increasingly popular on websites and mobile applications. Dark mode is a user interface (UI) design that uses a dark color scheme instead of a light one. It reduces the amount of blue light emitted by screens and creates a more comfortable and visually appealing experience for users in low-light environments. Implementing dark mode on your website in 2023 is not only important for aesthetics but also for accessibility and user experience. In this blog, we’ll discuss different ways to implement dark mode and its importance.

Benefits of Dark Mode

Dark mode is important for several reasons:

Reduced eye strain and fatigue: Dark mode reduces the amount of blue light emitted by screens, which can cause eye strain and fatigue. This is especially important for users who spend a lot of time on their devices or work in low-light environments.

Improved readability: Dark mode creates a higher contrast between text and background, making it easier to read. This is particularly important for users with visual impairments or color vision deficiencies.

Accessibility: Dark mode can improve the accessibility of your website for users with visual impairments. Users with light sensitivity or color vision deficiencies may find it easier to use your website in dark mode.

Aesthetics: Dark mode has become increasingly popular due to its modern and sleek aesthetic. Implementing dark mode on your website can make it look more up-to-date and visually appealing.

Battery life: For users accessing your website on mobile devices, dark mode can help conserve battery life. OLED and AMOLED screens used in smartphones consume less power when displaying darker colors.

Overall, dark mode is important for improving user experience, accessibility, and aesthetics. It’s a design trend that has become more popular in recent years and is likely to continue to be important in the future.

Different ways to implement dark mode:

Using CSS

The most common way to implement dark mode on a website is by using CSS. You can create a separate stylesheet that defines the dark mode styles and switch between the light and dark modes using a button or a toggle. This can be done by changing the class of the body tag or by using JavaScript to add a class to the HTML tag.

To implement dark mode using CSS, you can create a new stylesheet and define the styles for your dark mode. Then, you can create a button or toggle that switches between the two stylesheets by changing the class of the body tag or adding a class to the HTML tag. Here’s an example:

<!-- Button to toggle between light and dark mode -->
<button onclick="toggleDarkMode()">Toggle dark mode</button>

<!-- HTML tag with dark mode class -->
<html class="light-mode">
  <!-- Website content -->

function toggleDarkMode() {
  const html = document.querySelector('html');


/* Light mode styles */
body {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  color: #000000;

/* Dark mode styles */
.dark-mode body {
  background-color: #222222;
  color: #FFFFFF;

Using JavaScript

Another way to implement dark mode is by using JavaScript. You can add a class to the HTML tag using JavaScript and define the dark mode styles in the CSS. You can also use a cookie or local storage to remember the user’s preference for light or dark mode.

To implement dark mode using JavaScript, you can add a class to the HTML tag when the user toggles dark mode. Then, you can define the styles for the dark mode in the CSS using the class selector. Here’s an example:

<!-- Button to toggle between light and dark mode -->
<button onclick="toggleDarkMode()">Toggle dark mode</button>

<!-- HTML tag with dark mode class -->
<html class="light-mode">
  <!-- Website content -->

function toggleDarkMode() {
  const html = document.querySelector('html');
  // Save user preference in cookie or local storage
  localStorage.setItem('dark-mode', html.classList.contains('dark-mode'));

// Load user preference on page load
const isDarkMode = localStorage.getItem('dark-mode') === 'true';
if (isDarkMode) {


/* Light mode styles */
body {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  color: #000000;

/* Dark mode styles */
.dark-mode body {
  background-color: #222222;
  color: #FFFFFF;

Using browser settings

Many modern web browsers support dark mode, and users can enable it in their browser settings. You can detect the user’s preferred color scheme using the prefers-color-scheme media query and adjust your website’s styles accordingly.

To implement dark mode using browser settings, you can use the prefers-color-scheme media query to detect whether the user has enabled dark mode in their browser settings. Then, you can adjust your website’s styles accordingly. Here’s an example:

/* Light mode styles */
body {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  color: #000000;

/* Dark mode styles */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  body {
    background-color: #222222;
    color: #FFFFFF;

This code applies the light mode styles by default and switches to the dark mode styles when the user has enabled dark mode in their browser settings.

FAQs: Implement Dark Mode On Your Website

Why is dark mode important for accessibility?

Dark mode can improve the accessibility of your website for users with visual impairments. Users with light sensitivity or color vision deficiencies may find it easier to use your website in dark mode.

Does dark mode affect battery life?

For users accessing your website on mobile devices, dark mode can help conserve battery life. OLED and AMOLED screens used in smartphones consume less power when displaying darker colors.

Can users disable dark mode on my website?

Yes, users can usually disable dark mode on your website if they prefer the light mode. You can provide a toggle or button to switch between the two modes, or you can detect the user’s preferred color scheme using the prefers-color-scheme media query and adjust your website’s styles accordingly.

How can I make sure my website looks good in both light and dark mode?

You should test your website in both light and dark mode to ensure that it looks good and is legible in both color schemes. You may need to adjust colors, contrast, and font sizes to make sure your content is easy to read in both modes.

Also Read:


implementing dark mode on your website in 2023 is important for improving readability, accessibility, aesthetics, and battery life. There are different ways to implement dark mode, including using CSS, JavaScript, or browser settings. You should consider adding dark mode to your website to provide a better user experience and keep up with the latest design trends.

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