In JavaScript, ‘==’ and ‘===’ are both comparison operators, but they behave differently when comparing values.

The ‘==’ operator compares values for equality, but does not check if the data types of the values being compared are the same. This means that JavaScript will try to convert the values to the same data type before making the comparison. For example, the following comparison will return ‘true’:

5 == "5" // returns true

On the other hand, the ‘===’ operator is known as a strict equality comparison, it compares both the value and the data type of the values being compared. This means that JavaScript will not try to convert the values to the same data type before making the comparison. For example, the following comparison will return ‘false’:

5 === "5" // returns false

In general, it’s always recommended to use ‘===’ operator instead of ‘==’ operator, because it will give you more accurate results, especially when comparing values that could be different data types.

In cases where you are comparing the values and not the types, ‘==’ may work fine, but when you are comparing data types, ‘===’ is more appropriate.

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