You can call multiple functions from the same onClick event in JavaScript by chaining the function calls together using the ; operator, like this:

<button onclick="function1(); function2();">Click me</button>

Alternatively, you can define a separate function that calls the other two functions and assign it to the onClick event:

<button onclick="combinedFunction()">Click me</button>
  function function1() {
    // function 1 code
  function function2() {
    // function 2 code
  function combinedFunction() {

You can also use javascript addEventListener method

<button id="myBtn">Click me</button>
  function function1() {
    // function 1 code
  function function2() {
    // function 2 code
  var btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
  btn.addEventListener("click", function1);
  btn.addEventListener("click", function2);

In both cases, both function1 and function2 will be called when the button is clicked.

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